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MYU Career Story Corner

Another new star! Meet Adrian, our wanderer and dream chaser. He had been an Engineer in SG for almost 5+ years. What made a man change his mind to come back to Malaysia? Yes, spend more time with family and love one without hesitation.

‘LIFE isn’t just about WORK.’ and life still need to go on, so he change course to do something different and passionate about. Then he found Real Estate, combination WORK, INTEREST and PASSION for longer term consistency.💪🏻

On Last day of year 2023, he joined our team, he believed something BIG can be done even without experience as long have the passion in property. With guidance from the best team, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

With his belief, he managed to close 6 sales within 2 months time giving himself a A score on his decision making!😍

Congratulations 🎉👏 to Adrian made a big step on life and passing with flying colour!🫡🫡

Join us, be like Adrian!🔥

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#CareerStory #CareerLife
#JoinUs #H100 #Engineer
#Adrian #Belief