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MYU Career Story Corner

Another new star! Meet Adrian, our wanderer and dream chaser. He had been an Engineer in SG for almost 5+ years. What made a man change his mind to come back to Malaysia? Yes, spend more time with family and love one without hesitation.

‘LIFE isn’t just about WORK.’ and life still need to go on, so he change course to do something different and passionate about. Then he found Real Estate, combination WORK, INTEREST and PASSION for longer term consistency.💪🏻

MYU Realty Training & Happy Birthday to April Baby!

“Is Referral Scheme necessary in this field? How Do i Start?”

Many agents sales are based on the advertising and direct approach, but referral sale is just once in a blue moon. 😉
We had a successful portfolio from a Top Sales which that 60-70% that sales are come from referral in a certain year.😃

So is it possible? Join us, let us show you!

MYU Realty Training🌟

“What extra value i can bring to my client?”

Before you presentation there is an important part to do, what value i can bring to my clients in order they can pay a visit to our showroom, comfortably? Let’s brainstorm together!😉

MYU Career Story Corner

March, is a great month to meet Voon, a dynamic individual who made a bold shift from the business world to the realm of real estate. As a seasoned marketing director, he leverages his strategic acumen gained from his business background to excel in the competitive real estate industry.